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Beyond Conviction BookViral Editorial Review!

Beyond Conviction has received its' first editorial review! Written by the review site BookViral, a well-known industry publication, it is glowing with praise, and I couldn't help creating the banner you see above. Here's the full review!

"Alien Swarms.

Ceaseless wars.

Hive worlds, pirates and conflict without end.

Far too many Science Fiction novels are long in the telling, with overly convoluted plots. However, in this respect, Watson has pitched Beyond Conviction just right. Creating a vibrant sense of time and place that readily conveys us to the far-flung outpost world of Adroa, Watson creates an absorbing, vivid, un-sanitized depiction of a farming town where the stakes are high, and kindness is a rarity not to be trusted.

Engaging our imagination to the fullest, Watson’s characters are well nuanced and multi-layered whilst fight and battle scenes are succinctly crafted without being repetitious. Clearly, character development is Watson’s forte and the relationships between his key characters are deeply explored and intelligently conveyed, but without the need for overwrought sentimentality, as he deftly reveals flaws created by circumstances beyond their control.

At first glance, and with the arrival of the mysterious Jake, you might be forgiven for thinking Beyond Conviction is a classically clichéd good versus evil SF read but this notion itself is subversive with the real story here being one of fortitude. 

His characters are nicely conceptualised as he tantalisingly peels back the veneer on Jake, Ellie, Alayna and Jonathan’s lives to establish an alluring narrative rhythm to his chapters and give his readers something refreshingly original in which to immerse themselves. Jake, Ellie, Alayna and Jonathan each bring a prevailing sense of gravitas to the story, whilst nicely nuanced and spirited dialogue adds much to an overarching sense of authenticity.

As its final chapter draws to a close Watson has gifted to his readers an intimate understanding of his key characters, who they are and what their lives are like. We know that Jake and Ellie are at a pivotal point in their lives with the Conviction closing in, but more importantly, Watson has left us eager for the harrowing events ahead!

A promising debut which sets a high bar for future releases in Watson’s Trials of Conviction series, Beyond Conviction is unreservedly recommended!"

I'm working on getting this integrated into Amazon A+ content, though Amazon is always a little janky when it comes to listing details. They have only just approved my author profile after seven months!

I also have another project nearing completion. This one a much shorter non-fiction title that will be the launch of a new series, but not ready to share any more details yet. I like to keep these things close to my chest until they're ready to launch, but a little tease here and there can't hurt.

If you would like to see the review on BookViral, it can be found at the link below:

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